A place to start investing

We want your money to do the work for
you, which is why we use our technology
to help you achieve your financial goals.

Automate your investments

If you don't know much about financial
investments or you just don't want to
spend a lot of time on it, Investo
does it for you.

Save for later

We know that regular contributions to your investment can generate a differential in the long term, that is why
we help you save regularly.

Be part of our community

We want you to feel part of Investo. We promote financial education and offer exclusive events for our community.

How do we do it?

Tell us about yourself

At the beginning we want to know your preferences and needs to be
able to give you a recommendation tailored to your needs.

Get our recommendation

Once we know your objectives, we show you a
personalized investment plan so that you can
achieve your goals more easily.

Activate your account

Once you know how to achieve your goals
based on our recommendation, fund your
account and see how we do the work for you.
Automate your investments

Smart investment

At Investo we place the customer at the center. This is why we try to offer you the most suitable investment
alternative for your financial needs.


We believe in a passive investment strategy that aims to generate value in our portfolios in the long term.


Diversification is key in finance, which is why we decided to invest your savings in ETFs so that you can have a more stable portfolio when markets change.

Low commissions

We want to offer the lowest commissions in the market because we understand that this is key to the final result of your investment.

Save for later

Achieve your financial goals

Share your goals with us and we will guide you so that you can achieve them.

Be part of our community

We want for our clients to feel part of the investment philosophy we wish to develop.

Learn more:

Why trust us?

At Investo we are very concerned about the security of your
investments. That is why we have combined the following security

Control of your savings at all times

You keep control of your savings. At any time you can decide to
cancel, transfer or directly manage your account.

Same security as other banks

Your titles are guarded by the same custodial agents that most
financial institutions use.

We only invest in quality assets

The assets we buy (ETFs) are managed by the best fund
managers worldwide. We handle management companies such as
Blackrock, Vanguard and SPDR.

Deposit coverage

Your account is insured up to a value of USD 500,000 through the
SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation).

Find out your investor profile

We advise you to invest with confidence.


We’ll get in contact with you
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Investo SA (“Investo”) offers a software-based financial advisory engine that offers automated financial planning tools to help users achieve better results. Investo SA (“Investo”), an
investment advisor registered with the BCU, provides investment advisory and management services, and Investo SA, a member of FINRA / SIPC, provides the brokerage-related
products, including the cash account. By using this website, you understand that the information presented is provided for informational purposes only and you agree to our Terms of
Use and Privacy Policy. Investo relies on information from various sources believed to be reliable, including customers and third parties, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and
completeness of that information. Nothing in this communication should be construed as an offer, recommendation, or solicitation to buy or sell securities. Furthermore, Investo SA or
its affiliates do not provide tax advice and investors are encouraged to consult with their personal tax advisers. Every investment involves risk, including the possible loss of money you
invest, and past performance does not guarantee future performance. Historical returns, expected returns, and probability projections are provided for informational and illustrative
purposes and may not reflect actual future performance.